Seminar Series 2015
08.12.2015 - Reyhaneh Ghassemizadeh - Interaction between molecules in a Cold Ensemble Matrix
University of Freiburg
01.12.2015 - Rockson Chang - A 3D momentum-space microscope for ultracold lattice gases: Probing microscopic correlations from quantum depletion
Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Institut d’Optique Graduate School, Palaiseau (France)
17.11.2015 - Andreas Dietrich - Quantum technologies with color centers in diamond
University of Ulm
10.11.2015 - Pablo Barcellona - On the impact of dissipation on dispersion interactions between two atoms
University of Freiburg
09.11.2015 - Vladan Vuletic - What does the Golden Ratio have to do with Friction? An Answer Atom by Atom
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston
03.11.2015 - Robert Bennett - New effects in boundary-dependent QED
University of Freiburg
20.10.2015 - Markus Debatin - Dipolar molecules - molecular physics on pathway towards dipolar quantum gases
State University of Singapore
13.10.2015 - Hansjürgen Loesch - Cold Reactions in Merged Beams - Part I
University of Bielefeld
07.07.2015 - Prof. Alexey Baklanov - Supramolecular photoprocesses in weakly bound molecular complexes
Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion, Novosibirsk, Russia
07.07.2015 - Dr. Johannes Deiglmayr - Exotic chemistry with ultracold Rydberg atoms and molecules
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
30.06.2015 - Ulrich Bangert - Lasercooling of diatomic molecules
University of Freiburg (student talk)
23.06.2015 - Dr. Sebastian Slama - Cooperative coupling of ultracold atoms and surface plasmons
University of Tübingen
16.06.2015 - Justin Baier - Deceleration of molecular beams by electric fields (Stark-deceleration)
University of Freiburg (student talk)
02.06.2015 - Carl Schaffer - Deceleration of molecular beams by magnetic fields (Zeeman-deceleration)
University of Freiburg (student talk)