Seminar Series 2016
13.12.2016 - Rashid Nazmitdinov - Symmetry effects in mesoscopic systems
Departament de Fìsica, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca & Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna
06.12.2016 - Giovanna Morigi - Quantum crystals of photons and atoms
Saarland University
29.11.2016 - Piotr Zuchowski - Cold collisions of metastable helium with atoms and molecules
Institute of Physics in Torun, Poland
15.11.2016 - Athanasios Laliotis - Atom-polariton coupling at finite temperatures
Université Paris 13 Nord
25.10.2018 - John Sous - A self-trapping transition for Peierls bipolarons
University of British Columbia, Vancouver
18.10.2016 - Ralph Gebauer - Optical properties of hydrogen-bonded systems: the subtle role of nuclear quantum effects
International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste
11.10.2016 - Sebastian Slama - Cooperative coupling of cold atoms and surface plasmons - towards a single photon source on demand
University of Tübingen
04.10.2016 - Michele Devetta - Ultrafast Dynamic Imaging of Molecules
(Milan, Italy)
19.07.2016 - Thomas Reisinger - Impact of Casimir-Polder interaction on matter-wave diffraction at dielectric sub-micron particles
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
12.07.2016 - Aleksey Korobenko - Control of molecular rotation with an optical centrifuge
University of British Columbia, Vancouver
11.07.2016 - Sivarama Krishnan - Small organic molecules in He nanodroplets - photoelectron spectroscopy
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
05.07.2016 - Kirill Gokhberg - The role of metal ions in X-ray induced photochemistry
University of Heidelberg
01.07.2016 - Prof. Dr. Elizabeth von Hauff - Good vibrations in organic semiconductors: combining impedance and Raman spectroscopy to study electrical transport in organic semiconductors
VU Amsterdam
28.06.2016 - Markus Debatin - Ultracold Ions in a Fermionic Sea - Outline of a Novel Experiment
University of Freiburg
21.06.2016 - Gereon Niedner-Schatteburg - Clusters as Surfaces: Kinetics and Spectroscopy
Kaiserslautern University of Technology
14.06.2016 - Manish Vashita - Microwave trapping of polar molecules
University of British Columbia, Vancouver
07.06.2016 - Jürgen Hauer - Vibrational-Electronic Coherence in Light Harvesting
University of Vienna
04.05.2016 - Olivier Dulieu - Cold neutral and ionic molecules: a playground for quantum control
Université Paris-Sud XI, France
10.05.2016 - András Vukics - From superradiant criticality to solidification – fundamental limitation of ultrastrong coupling between light and atoms
Hungarian Academy of Science, Budapest
03.05.2016 - Wolfgang Jäger - Atmospheric Chemistry: Spectroscopic and Photo-Reaction Chamber Studies
(In collaboration with Elijah Schnitzler) Department of Chemistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada
02.05.2016 - Wolfgang Domcke - Femtosecond time-resolved spectroscopy beyond the third-order "polarization"
TU München
02.05.2016 - Yunjie Xu - Spectral Signatures of Chirality, Chirality Recognition, and Chirality Transfer
Department of Chemistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
26.04.2016 - Christiane Koch - Controlling cold and ultracold collisions
University of Kassel
19.04.2016 - Oliver Stauffert - Repulsive Van der Waals forces and density functional theory
12.04.2016 - Akbar Salam - Molecular QED Theory and its Application to Inter-Particle Interactions
Department of Chemistry, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, USA
18.02.2016 - Tanja E. Mehlstäubler - Scaling up Ions for Optical Clocks
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig, Germany
09.02.2016 - Markus Schulz-Weiling - The phase-space evolution of a molecular ultracold plasma
University of Vancouver
02.02.2016 - Silke Ospelkaus - Towards dipolar quantum many-body physics with ultracold polar molecules
University of Hannover
12.01.2016 - Thomas Wall - Laser cooling of CaF molecules
Centre for Cold Matter, Imperial College London, UK