Seminar Series 2017
19.12.2017 - Markus Kurz - Excitonic Giant-Dipole States in Cuprous Oxide
Institute of Physics, University of Rostock
12.12.2017 - Stefan Yoshi Buhmann - How not to get caught cheating: Academic Misconduct versus Good Scientific Practice
University of Freiburg
05.12.2017 - Francesco Intravaia - Fluctuation-induced interactions in meso- and microscopic systems
Max-Born-Institut and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
28.11.2017 - Ruth Signorell - Low-energy electron transport in water: Clusters, droplets, and liquid bulk
ETH Zürich
21.11.2017 - Giuseppe Sansone - Attosecond and strong field physics: exploring the electronic dynamics on its natural timescale
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
14.11.2017 - Jordan Fordyce - The Study of Nanoscale Superfluidity with Molecular Superrotors
The University of British Columbia
07.11.2017 - Stijn Mertens - Single-Molecule Switching in 2D Materials at Solid–Liquid Interfaces
Institute of Applied Physics, TU Wien, Austria Chemistry Department, KU Leuven, Belgium
24.10.2017 - Johannes von Vangerow - Femtosecond time-resolved photoion and photoelectron imaging spectroscopy of doped helium nanodroplets
Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg
17.10.2017 - Daniela Rupp - Imaging excitation and plasma formation in a single nanoparticle
Max-Born-Institute, Berlin
22.08.2017 - Wolfgang Jäger - The Bloch Equations: Derivation and Applications
University of Alberta, Canada
22.08.2017 - Xu - An unusual water tunneling path in the methyl glycidate-water complex and solvation of methyl glycidate in water
University of Alberta, Canada
25.07.2017 - Francesco Petruccione - Open Quantum Walks
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa
11.07.2017 - Martin Zeppenfeld - Controlled ensembles of cold and ultracold polyatomic molecules
Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany
04.07.2017 - Melanie Schnell - Coherent population transfer in chiral molecules using tailored microwave pulses
Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg, Germany
27.06.2017 - Roman Schmied - From classical correlations to Bell inequalities
University of Freiburg
20.06.2017 - Lukas Bruder - Phase-modulated harmonic light spectroscopy
University of Freiburg
13.06.2017 - Björn Kubala - Josephson Photonics: Josephson Devices as Quantum Microwave Sources
University of Ulm
16.05.2017 - Katrin Dulitz - Reactive Scattering between Metastable Helium and State-Selected, Magneto-Optically Trapped Lithium
University of Freiburg
16.05.2017 - Benedikt Hartl - Optimal Control of Collective Dynamics in Cavity-QED - A Spin Ensemble Based Storage Device
Technical University of Wien, Austria
09.05.2017 - Sebastian Gerber - Testing Antimatter Gravity
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
02.05.2017 - Wolfgang Domcke - Femtosecond time-resolved spectroscopy beyond the third-order "polarization"
TU München
25.04.2017 - Iñigo Arrazola - Fast and Robust Phase Gates and Digital-Analog Quantum Simulation with Trapped Ions
07.02.2017 - Gene Polovy - TBA
University of British Columbia, Vancouver
24.01.2017 - Joshua Cantin - Localization of quantum particles with long-range hopping induced by reducing lattice size
University of British Columbia, Vancouver