Annual Conventions
IRTG Annual Convention 2019
The Annual Convention will take place from 5.8. to 9.8.2019 in Vancouver, Canada. Further information will follow.
Annual Convention 2018, Freiburg
The Annual Convent will take place from July 23 to July 27 in Freiburg.
Annual Convention 2017, Vancouver
The 3rd Annual Convention took place at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver from July 31 to August 4, 2017. Nearly 40 IRTG members came together to have successful talks and discussions.
Annual Convention 2016, Freiburg
The Annual Convention took place from August 1st till August 5th, 2016. More than 30 researchers from Freiburg and Vancouver took part in the event.
Annual Convention 2015, Vancouver
The first IRTG Annual Convention took place from July 28 till July 31, 2015 at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver. It was the kick-off meeting of the IRTG and brought together students and principal investigators from Freiburg and Vancouver.